That's an ENGINEER

Students of different faculties take a problem with different attitude.  When a group of students were given a problem to be solved the reactions were :

Prove that : 1 / 10 = 3 / 4
The Art Student : This is out of syllabus !

The Commerce Student : Quite impossible,how !

The Medical Student : It is strange !!!

The Engineering Student :It is very easy....
1 / 10 = ONE / TEN
N & E are common,
Hence = O / T
Now, O is 15 letter & T is 20 letter
Hence , ( O / T ) = 15 / 20
= 3 / 4
Engineers  are never worried for the ' Answer Kya hai ' (What the answer comes), he feels its matching.

Now, Prove : 5 / 9 = 1

The Art Student : Ho sakata hai Kya ! (How is that possible?)

The Commerce Student : Ye Problem hi galat hai !(The question itself is wrong)

The Medical Student : It is interesting...

Let do , 5 / 9 = FIVE / NINE
I & E are common
Hence = FV / NN
now, F is 6 letter & V is 22 letter & N is 14 letter
Hence = (6 x 22) / (14 x 14 )
= 132 / 196 = 0.673469 
but, answer is 1 , oh no! not ....

The Engineering Student : I can do , It is so easy....
5 / 9 = FIVE / NINE
but , FIVE = F + I + V + E
Similarly, NINE = N + I + N + E
Now, F is 6 letter , I is 9 letter, V is 22 letter , E is 5 letter & N is 14 letter
= (6+ 9+ 22+ 5) / (14+ 9+ 14+ 5)
= 42 / 42
= 1

Engineers will only ask ' Answer Kya Lana Hai '(What answer is to be brought?)  Engineers always try to make it happen.
' That is an ENGINEER '

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